50 Words Submission Guidelines

Reuben Salsa
2 min readAug 24, 2020

TBI aim to provide a home for all microfiction consisting of 50 words and no more.

  1. Tag every story #The Bad Influence AND #Thrifty Words as well as other appropriate tags such as #fiction, #satire, #poetry. No #The Bad Influence tag, no play. No #Thrifty Words and your story won’t slide into our EXCLUSIVE section.
  2. Please add the ‘kicker’ (above the title) : 50 WORDS.
  3. Every story MUST BE 50 words. No exception. Titles and subtitles don’t count. You can include an explanation/summary at the end (must add the spacer). You can check word limit by highlighting the story, the word count will appear in the top left corner.
  4. Writers may only submit one fifty word story per theme challenge.
  5. No hate of any kind toward individuals or groups. Attack the idea. INCITE and ANTAGONIZE. But never, ever make it personal.
  6. We encourage a ‘Call to Action’ at the bottom of your post to previous TBI articles. Feel free to link anywhere inside your article. Your success is our success.
  7. Caption and credit every image (even your own). Unsplash makes this very easy as they’re partnered with Medium. There are other open-source image options including, Pixabay and Wikicommons.
  8. Check your work. No plagiarism. Decent grammar and SPELL CHECK. If it’s really bad, then we’re sending it back to you for sheer laziness. Use Grammarly.
  9. To be added as a new writer, send an email to and be sure to write ‘ADD ME AS A WRITER’ to your email. Make sure to include your MEDIUM PROFILE or we may never find you! You can also comment at the end of this post to be added.

Once published, we ask you to leave your work in TBI for at least 6 months. We understand the platform and desire to rewrite something. But please wait 6 months, or reach out, before you withdraw your post.

If we’ve stopped posting or responding or updating TBI then it probably means we’ve all been arrested for INCITING CHANGE. Feel free to remove your work and give it to a publication that is still active.

Thank you! We look forward to reading all your bad influences and instigations.

TBI Editorial Staff



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