Reuben Salsa
1 min read4 days ago


Actually Ken, I don't know that most of the Palestinian community have denounced it.

All I see are demonstrations against Israel. All I see is a rise in antisemitism. All I see is propoganda peddled by the BBC glorifying the 'refugees' of Palestine. All I see is the constant pull and tug for people's hearts - the constant battle for the truth as told by two different sides - as illustrated in the BBC documentary.

What side is being truthful?

And then I read, over and over again, the vilification of Israel, the hatred against Zionists (of which I am one), the apologists excuse for the way Palestinians are treating Jews.

Another example of this would be the recent story of the Australian nurses. One side claims it was all a joke and the video was edited. There is an unedited version and at least one of the nurses clearly wasn't joking.

And you ask when is it enough?

When babies are held hostage and murdered, all the while the Palestinians claim it was an airstrike but forensics reveal otyherwise - and still the world refuses to believe.

It will only be enough when the Palestinians recognise the state of Israel. When the liberal voices realise that Israel is going nowhere and a two state solution is a hopeless fantasy.

This isn't vengence Ken. If you don't understand that then maybe you need to stop and listen to what Jewish people are saying.



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