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Adidas Pimps Tits
Boobs! Dozens of boobs!
Adidas new sports bra campaign is simple but genius. Who could imagine we would finally get to a point where we can layer bare dozens of breasts without censorship.
This is a tough one for Instagram which censors nipples. To date, the sports giant have been allowed to exploit…sorry…promote inclusivity via their best breasts campaign. #SupportIsEverything is a genius line.
“In sport, everybody should feel free and inspired by what their bodies can achieve.” — Addidas
There’s much to admire about this campaign. Desexualizing the human body is chief among them. But is it a case of selling us objectification as if it’s liberation? Whatever you may think, Addidas certainly drew a crowd as the campaign went viral. Anything that helps normalize nipples is OK with me.
Annie Chiu, creative director at the Amsterdam-based agency, says, “I hope that all women look at the Breast Gallery and have the same epiphany I had — ‘my body is normal and it’s perfect just the way it…