Reuben Salsa
Mar 20, 2022


Distraction is a form of propaganda. Whomever controls the news controls the truth. A simple example of this is Russia's own machine working to portray their soldiers as heroes cleansing the Ukraine of the neo-nazi infestation. The majority of people inside Russia are with Putin.

Distraction. Field bad news when another major news story is doing the rounds.

Distraction. Deflect blame on your wrongdoings while highlighting someone/something else...also known as gaslighting.

It's all around. It's governments and corporations.

Youtube demonetize the bad videos/the nasty porn videos/the 'kid' friendly videos that then show grotesque acts of violence...but they don't pull down the videos while money and clicks are being made. They promote gay rights while they shadow ban LBTQ community and demonitize their creators.

Distraction is all around.



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