For the record, NZ is not the US. We have a 94% vax rate. 3 weeks ago the nightly news and Prime Minister press conference predicted over 8000 cases of omicron in the community. We now have just over 1200 in the community. 53 deaths in total over the 2 years. Again, NZ is not the US. I'm sorry life is so bleak out there. I'm not a soft denier. You talk about mental health as if it was a joke. There are families here that rely upon the entertainment industry. An industry in compete shutdown thanks to heavy handedness from the government. These aren't just entertainers, but support staff, roadies, catering, logistics etc. People are suffering economic hardships. The suicide rate in NZ is higher than ever. The country needs to open up. I've got no argument against long covid. You're right. That's an issue but food banks cant keep up with demand. Fearmongering is prevalent with our media. We have a compliant society. We have a high rate nationwide of vaccination. If the vax was the answer than why arent we enjoying life as normal?