Member-only story
Grown Men Don’t Cry
“It’s our role to lead the family, the business, the clan”
Is your first reaction to this post, “this has to be satire?” I know mine was. Surely this was Marketing 101. Draw the viewer in with an outrageous sentiment, or a controversial statement, and then reel in the views and the Likes.
Is this what the world has come to? We’ll do literally anything to get engagement? Is that how the misogynistic arsehole man-child that is Andrew Tate has achieved success? Tap into the base instincts of young men and tell them the world hates them all except him and his merry band of cockwombles. Underground, overground, cockwombling free.
“Stop sniveling like a little boy and grow a pair.”
Toxic claptrap that fires a spear to the heart of the sensitive. Haven’t we moved on from this shit as a society? As if Trump’s pussy-grabbing overtures weren’t enough, now there’s a new wave of toxic masculinity heading our way. Men who champion themselves as leaders erecting barriers against the misandry of feminism.