Member-only story


Highland Rider

Virgin Media

Reuben Salsa


Image from Youtube. Virgin Media’s new star…the Highland Cow.

In every marketing meeting, whenever a new idea is pitched, there is always somebody who speaks up and asks:
“Why? I don’t get it.”

Sometimes, the naysayer is right. It allows the team the opportunity to reexamine their work and justify why they all thought it was a brilliant idea. Every team needs this person no matter how much of Debbie Downer they are.

Point in case: Virgin Media’s Highland Rider.

It’s a great ad. It is visually arresting. The effects are stunning. The pose incredible. But what exactly is the takeaway? What are we learning about the product? It’s fortunate for us there’s a voice-over to explain everything. It’s like the old adage…if you have to explain the joke…it just isn’t funny.

“According to Virgin Media, it’s an allegory for the brand’s speedy broadband — with the cow, who doesn’t appear to have a name, inspired to take a road trip after streaming “epic biking scenes”. Source Creative Review

And there you have it. Did you get that?



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