Reuben Salsa
Oct 14, 2022


I guess there are degrees of cancel. If JK Rowling speaks out (on anything), she gets bombarded with a social media frenzy.

Kanye West gets banned from Twitter/Instagram and Facebook much like Donald Trump. That's a cancellation.

I guess its mob rule and the degree in which hate is directed at you.

Would you then lose advertising endorsements (like Kanye and Addidas?), be dropped from playing football (kaepernick) or be made to feel unwelcome in a dressing room for being gay?

Does it stop you from being promoted or harmful to your business thanks to slander? Or prevent you from making a TV show you love (Jeremy Clarkson)?

Just because somebody hasn't been erased from existence, doesn't mean cancel culture doesn't exist. you get erased from history and nobody talks about you in a positive ligh (Joe Paterno)?

Its a good question though.



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