I was working in South Korea at the time. I had an early morning adult class. There was a tv in reception and I remember walking in and our Hagwon driver was fixated watching the tv. Nothing unusual about that as he was a baseball fanatic and was always staring at the box. But that day he was quiet and pointed at the screen. We watched in horror. This would've been just before 7am. As the students trickled in for class, we all stood watching the tv hung high in the corner. The 2nd plane then crashed into the tower. News was reporting of the other hijacks. Nobody wanted to go into the classroom. We were all shocked. I went back home after the hour and my aussie roommate had just woken up eating breakfast. I turned on our tv and we sat and watched together as the news unfolded. We lived near a US military base so the area was on high alert. Its certainly a morning I'll never forget.