I'm...going to agree. There are exceptions of course. Holy Grail contains the one great scene with a killer bunny. The rest is painful and now looks as dated as it sounds.
I onced sat through the entire extended trilogy of LOTR. It was a chore and I felt physically sick halfway through. No movie has ever made me feel that way except for fucking Bette Midlers Big Business.
MCU universe is one long disappointment. The exception here is Thor:Raganork only because that's funny as fuck and made by teh greatest Kiwi on the planet, Taika Waititi. They chose the wrong team (X-Men are superior in every way...but their movies suck arse too)
And then Star Wars. I still watch Empire Strikes Back. And I adore the opening of Return of the Jedi and the fight to free Han Solo....the rest is a yawn fest. I actually fell asleep in all 3 of the new movies.
So I totally get where you're coming from.