Member-only story


Independent Journalism

The New York Times

Reuben Salsa


NYT. Image from Youtube.

I’m a little bored of this ad. Words on a screen. Lots of words on a screen. Lots of words sum up lots of things on a screen. I get it. The New York Times is full of words and sentences and phrases that pop. Words, words and more words. I think I preferred when NYT showed highlights of the news rather than their poetic side.

Aimed at a Black audience with Jordan visibly representing the Black community in his interests and tastes. Does this ad showcase diversification? Not really. It hones in on specialist subjects and maybe that’s the whole point. The NYT can be whatever you choose it to be.

But wait…this one ad is part of a wider campaign. There’s more people. There’s more diversity. There are more subjects niched down to suit your tastes. Ahhhh….now I get it. More words with meaning. More sentences. More phrases. More NYT for you and me and catering to yours and my tastes. Now I understand.


Here’s the series for anyone still paying attention.

Oh wait… there are no white men feeling awkward ads.



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