InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaChronic OverloadI only know one person who would use flense in a conversation.Jan 4, 20232Jan 4, 20232
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaSmall Talk Makes Me Want to Throat Punch ConventionI’ve never been great at conversation, especially small talk.Dec 6, 20227Dec 6, 20227
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaSally Blasts An ArseholeSally lived on a ranch with her adulterous husband, Stewart.Nov 27, 20222Nov 27, 20222
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaDeath Cab for JohnnyThe bio-boosted shot sunk into the skin. The screaming cheater polished another note of despair. High-pitched virtue signaling. A delight…Aug 15, 20222Aug 15, 20222
InLessons from HistorybyReuben SalsaTraumatic Train VengenceTo recognize a truly despicable character one must first have access to a railway track, rope, or strong guffer tape, and one train.Sep 29, 20224Sep 29, 20224
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaThe Deadly Encounter on the Merry-Go-RoundWide-eyed, twitching, and staring into space, sat Suki. For her, the ride was over.Oct 3, 2022Oct 3, 2022
InLessons from HistorybyReuben SalsaHow to Cheat at the Olympics and Almost Get Away With ItFred Lorz’s plan was to walk the final 1500 meters around the racing track. There sat a panel of officials who would record Lorz’s official…Oct 20, 20222Oct 20, 20222
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaThe Interloper’s LanguageHe follows me everywhere.Oct 26, 20221Oct 26, 20221
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaThe Scientist and the Flea — An Hungarian JokeDoctor Jacques Visikov often worked alone.Nov 3, 20224Nov 3, 20224
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaMan Bites Ears — Invents Worthless MachineI like Gerrard. He’s my favorite Uncle.Nov 7, 20224Nov 7, 20224
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaGod Save Our Queen“I got a present for you, Luv. It was from your Nan. She meant to give it to you before…you know. She couldn’t wait for today.”Jun 7, 202210Jun 7, 202210
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaA World Turned-A Dream ImaginedWas this real? Did it happen?Apr 13, 20221Apr 13, 20221
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaThe Odd Stigma of Dining AloneHe sat staring at the watch. Gold plated with a dozen faux diamonds encrusted around the dial. They twinkled in the dull light, reflecting…May 6, 202212May 6, 202212
InThe Bad InfluencebyReuben SalsaHow To Kill A Condescending EagleThere is no such thing as consensual bird-watching.Apr 10, 20221Apr 10, 20221
InThe Bad InfluencebyReuben SalsaI Didn’t Know I Was Dating A Serial Killer Until They Found the BodyShit happens after the second date.Mar 31, 20225Mar 31, 20225
InMicrocosmbyReuben SalsaMaking The Noise Stop When Distracted From WritingI watch the summer flies beach before the window.Apr 4, 20223Apr 4, 20223
InThe Bad InfluencebyReuben SalsaThe Casual Murder of a Co-WorkerIt was time for Nigel to goFeb 15, 202212Feb 15, 202212
InThe Bad InfluencebyReuben SalsaWhen You Crush Tokyo With Your Foot and Feel TerribleNot my fault, I suffer from bad windJan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
InArtisanal Article MachinebyReuben SalsaSeeing Jessus After Sniffing Fertilizer off an Alien’s ButtCraig is a farmer. He believes in nature and its natural processes. He uses synthetic fertilizer.Jan 13, 20221Jan 13, 20221