Reuben Salsa
1 min readMay 5, 2021


No, she’s not saying all white women….what kind of defense is that?

“Black women are socialized to keep the status quo. They maintain the patriarchy by “knowing their place” while at the same time relying on black supremacy to keep some sort of power. Their internalized misogyny and (often subconscious) racism teaches them to use the backs of White women as stairs they need to use to climb closer to the top of the black-male-made hierarchy. However, black men, especially black, cis, straight men, will always be at the top.

Black women’s internalized misogyny and black supremacy cannot exist without each other. Black women must confront and dismantle both within themselves instead of projecting them onto White women.

Please. We’re tired.

Black women, if you truly want to be friends with white women, or if you truly want to be our allies, you have a lot of inner work to do.”

Does that read any better to you? There’s a certain level of hate in this piece that is unacceptable yet people applaud. I’m not offended, just disappointed yet again in the reaction of the mob. Racism is racism no matter whose preaching.



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