Reuben Salsa
Jan 13, 2022


Oh god...I hate arguing with the penguin but here I go...

You need bragging, whether that be from the source or from a 3rd party. In the world of art, if you've quietly launched the greatest manuscript on the planet and nobody here's about's not that great. And, if the manuscript isn't recognised as great by peers, then the same results count. Every one needs to brag about achievements in order for their peers to acknowledge the work. There's a place for the brag.

Even in the corporate world. Quiet hard workers are rarely promoted simply because no one hears about the great work they do. If they put themselves out there more, they would have more success. And for engagements...its good to spread the joy, show people your commitment and on a subconscious level, warn other men/women away from your catch.



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