Thank you Samuel.
Great points all. We are in control, to some degree, of our own destiny. And you're right, we all have choices (again, to some degree). And switching off is probably the biggest action we can take.
BUT....the majority of the world are too happy/involved to disengage from social media. Who controls the platforms? Large corporations. Are they controlled by teh government? No. They police themselves. They make up their own rules. As long as people keep clicking, they'll get serving it up. It took until Trump was almost out of office before Twitter finally suspended his account. It took government intervention before Youtube removed the Christchurch shooter live streaming. Facebook continue to pay the fines and it doesn't make any difference. And then there's Google. Major cities (like Toronto) have signed up and now embedded with google and their mass surveillance. It's not the people who own their data, or the government that have easy access to it...its Google and the large corporations. They aren't even obliged to hand over the data unless a court orders it.
The control here is with the Corporations and until we all switch off and stop becoming over-reliant on their services, then the world will continue to answer to their greed.