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The Olympic Winter Games


Reuben Salsa


3D printed scenes. Artwork from the BBC.

Wow…that’s impressive. This ad is unbelievably cool. One figures morphs into another as each event gains representation in a frosty environment. The new Olympic Winter Games trailer from the BBC is creative brilliance.

It’s a mix of stop-motion animation, 3D printed sets, and in-camera effects. The results are astonishing. In fact, no actual ice or snow is featured! Something you would expect to see for the Olympic Winter Games. The trailer was directed by Balázs Simon, who stated:

“We started to think about cameras differently: some of their motion would be directly ‘printed’, and some would be actual movement of the control rig. That’s how the forced perspective idea came in,” says Simon, “which we had to solve completely algorithmically: we had deep spaces with characters moving close and far away, followed by fast, rotating cameras. There was no way of figuring out how to distort everything by hand. When seen from the camera, the scenes make sense, but from any other angle they’re pretty abstract and distorted.” Source Creative Review

Agency: BBC Creative
Creative Directors: James Cross, Tim Jones
Creatives: Stuart Gittings, Reuben Dangoor
Director: Balazs Simon
Production Company: Blinkink
Sound: GAS Music Manchester
Grade: Glassworks



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