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The World’s First Non-Alcoholic Beer with Added Vitamin D

Corona Sunbrew 0.0

Reuben Salsa


Image from Youtube

We want more parties! We want more beer! We want more sun-filled holidays on beaches surrounded by hot, semi-dressed people! We want Sunbrew!

That’s exactly what party-goers want this summer. A new beer with zero alcohol. Honestly, I don’t see why people like beer that doesn’t give you a buzz. I digress. This is a fun ad using stop-motion that puts the quirk firmly on the map. Sixties icon Donavan chirps along to the feelgood summery vibes that have crabs on the beach instead of being in your pants.

“The spot is created by David Miami and as well as delivering a hit of sunshine on a grey January day (in the UK at least, where I am writing this), it avoids putting too much emphasis on the zero alcohol content, instead just making Sunbrew seem a tasty drink, that also delivers a shot of Vitamin D. Beach, anyone?” Source Creative Review

Agency: David Miami
Global CCO/Partner: Pancho Cassis
Global COO: Sylvia



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